Sungold Golden Retrievers
Sungold Kennel is located on a 2,500 acre Game Bird Ranch, offering upland hunting from August 1st to March 31st. Our dogs are exposed to lots of birds which gives us a chance to pick the best for our breeding program. Our dogs are hunting on wild birds under natural conditions. We ran AKC Field Trials for years, and have owned and trained many titled dogs. However, while ribbons and awards are great, the real proof of a hunting dog comes with hunting.
We hunt our dogs, on pheasant, quail, Chukar, ducks and geese under the toughest of conditions! We require a dog with the heart to hunt all day, and the natural inborn instincts which make them easy to train and work with. Our aim is to breed Goldens for hunting ability, good temperament, and retrieving ability, along with good looks and athleticism. If your aim is a family companion which will also excel at hunting give us a call.

Contact T-S Kennels
If you want a dog that can do it all and looks good doing it, contact us today!