About Us

Our Story
At Trieven Sungold Kennels, our pups are born and raised on our ranch in Lovell, Wyoming, which offers great hunting from August to March. Our dogs are hunted hard under natural conditions on pheasant, chukar, quail, ducks, and geese. Our Labs are continually exposed to upland birds, waterfowl, guns, and hunting, which gives us a chance to pick only the best for our breeding program. We breed the best of Field Trial bloodlines, selecting particularly for a dog that has natural ability coupled with excellent temperament and disposition. Our dogs have proven themselves in Retriever Field Trials for over 30 years.
We do the majority of all our training here on site from house training to crate training, from gun and hunt training to whistle and water training, to waterfowl and upland bird hunting.
Awards and Recognition
Trieven Sungold Kennels and their dogs have won more than 20 Field and Amateur Field and Hunt Test titles. We have bred more than 40 Field titled dogs including two National Champions. We have judged Regular AKC Field Trials, including three National and National Amateur Championships. We were on the original committee which set up the Hunt Test guidelines and have judged AKC Hunt Tests.
Trieven Sungold Kennels is the only kennel in the nation to have dogs of different breeds elected to the prestigious Retriever Field Trial Hall of Fame; our foundation sires, FC-AFC Misty’s Sungold Lad CDX, and FC-AFC-CFC Trieven Thunderhead. In 1998, a dog we bred, FC-AFC-CNFC Jalva’s Sweet Sharmain was also elected to the Hall of Fame.

Contact T-S Kennels
If you want a dog that can do it all and looks good doing it, contact us today!